Friday, April 9, 2010

Weight Loss Hypnosis

In the Current World we live today we are faced with over weight problem, but recent breakthroughs has proven that one of the most effective weight loss process is through group hypnosis.

In another Words, Unhealthy diet craving has become some kind of an addiction, especially for overweight individuals.

Not Forgetting the fact the current stress levels and fast-paced living, for which food becomes a stress reliever or coping mechanism of some sort, based on numerous studies linking food cravings and stress.

Ideally, exercise is the best solution to counter the effects of obesity, especially since many of the workplace environments promote a sedentary lifestyle due to the advent of technology and automation of the workplace in addition to the resurgence of fast food centers catering to the hurried pace of everyday living.

As such, the environment that people are subjected to daily promotes for a condition where weight gain and increased food intake are the most common effects.

Regardless of the current conditions, people are in fact aware that in the absence of exercise and an active lifestyle, people tend to accumulate excess fat in the body, eventually leading to a difficulty in burning energy that is absorbed through food intake.

More so that even people, conscious of the fact that obesity can lead to health problems, often ignore the dangers of such and neglect the need to ensure their physical well-being, justifying, among others, not going through exercise because of not having enough time for work.

And this is where group hypnosis comes in, as numerous studies revealed that no less than 80% of subjects that have undergone group hypnosis treatment significantly lost weight over a period of time.

Better yet, those that have lost weight through a group or individual hypnosis intervention program continue to sustain weight loss, with follow-up studies extending even beyond two years.

But how does hypnosis work for the process? It is simply through the programming of the mind to follow a comprehensive exercise regimen through positive mental conditioning through hypnosis.

Here are some of the common reasons why the mind reacts positively to hypnosis.

Blissful relaxation – as the subject goes through the process of hypnosis, he or she is introduced to a state of deep relaxation, which opens up the mind to a pleasurable experience.

As the subconscious mind is accessed during the hypnosis process, negative factors like stress, anxieties and frustrations, among others, can be isolated where a subject's perception of such can be altered and condition the mind to accept it as involuntary aspects of day-to-day living and are manageable.

This can be done through positive mental conditioning and a change in perception, brought about by the hypnosis process.

Another reaction is the development of self image and a positive outlook.

As hypnosis explores deeper into the recesses of the subconscious mind, it can be capable of motivating the subject in developing a better self-image and promote a positive outlook in life.

It is with this positive outlook that the subject is conditioned to constantly gain motivation from the act itself of going through the exercise regimen and feeling good about the results, no matter how insignificant or vice versa.

Lastly, positive thinking makes the effort more rewarding compared to forcing one self to go through a weight loss regimen because it is a necessity.

So, by now you may also agree that the most effective weight loss process is through group hypnosis.

For Weight loss hypnosis products visit

Unlimited Power of Hypnosis

The power of your Mind is truly awesome.  You can use your mental powers to achieve success that, up until now, you have only ever dreamed of.  It is a Universal truth that life tends to move you towards the physical equivalent of your predominant thoughts and feelings. A great many people are well aware of this fact but most find it extremely difficult to apply this knowledge and put it to work effectively in their lives. Are you one of those people? If you are, then do not worry because I am about to show you how to overcome this little problem.

It seems to most of us that our thoughts are random, sometimes erratic and beyond our control. Our emotions truly do run us most of the time. When we have an emotional response to a thing we tend to go into automatic thinking as the subconscious programs in our mind take over. All too often these programs are just rehashed memories that create negative emotions and negative thoughts that hinder us from moving in the life direction that we really want. Our dominant thoughts and feelings are usually negative in nature due to the conditioning that has taken over on this planet.

The real power you wield is the conscious ability to change your dominant automatic thinking. By doing so you can ensure your feelings and thoughts are more positive in nature, more aligned with your desires and are therefore creating the life experiences that you want. This may sound like a tall order but there are many great techniques and tools to accomplish this. One of the best tools to recondition your mind for success is self hypnosis.

Hypnosis has been used by wise men and women for centuries to create relaxed physical and mental states and condition the mind to respond differently to outside stimuli. It is just as relevant and effective today as it ever has been. In fact with technological breakthroughs and advances in mind conditioning it is possible to create profound lasting change with self hypnosis recordings.

Many of the new recordings, by the best hypnotherapists, include binaural beat technology which entrains the brain to enter into specific mental states ideal for learning and reconditioning, and NLP exercises. There are a great many recordings that are of poor quality, both in their sound and their suggestions, so beware. However, ther are some excellent pre-made sessions on subjects that are as varied as the people who use them.

It is, however, possible for you to enter a hypnotic trance by yourself and then give yourself carefully chosen post-hypnotic suggestions, with just as much power as any hypnotist. These can be a list of simple affirmations that you mentally repeat while in the deeper stages of trance. I find it better to use pre-made recordings or have my own custom hypnosis CDs made as I like to let my mind wander during the trance state.

The trance state is so relaxing that most times you don't really want to leave it as the conscious mind becomes extremely lazy while hypnotized. This is why I prefer pre-made sessions or to visit a trained hypnotherapist.

However, if you prefer to perform your own hypnotic session, which many people do, you must first ensure that you have a clear intention about your purpose and the objective you have in mind before you enter into a hypnotic state. Ask yourself what you want to achieve from the hypnotic session.

You can use self hypnosis and post hypnotic suggestions very effectively to make any mental or emotional change you can think of.

Once you have decided what it is you want to achieve from your hypnotic session write a few affirmations that reflect your desires. Make sure you word these statements in the first persona and also in the third person, as though you were talking to someone else with your name. For example if you wish to develop more confidence you would write "I grow more confident everyday" and "[state your name] you grow more confident everyday".

Also form a mental picture of what that new confident you looks like. Imagine how you will feel when you have that new found confidence. Exactly how does that "other" you walk with confidence? How does that "you" talk with confidence? How does the "other you" react to everyday life, stressful situations and other people? How does that confident you think, dress and what is their approach life?

This picture is very important. During trance you will picture that confident you standing before you and bring it to life in your mind's eye. Then you will step into this confident you and actually become that person. Afterwards you should recite your affirmations while thinking, feeling and imagining you walk, talk, dress and approach life as this confident "other" you!

This form of self hypnosis incorporates NLP and is used to directly program your subconscious so that it will help you create that confident you in the real world. The affirmations act as post-hypnotic suggestions which reinforce the NLP work and ensure your subconscious mind holds the correct "self-talk" that you are constantly involved in during the day. This inner dialogue can make or break a person and it is important to program your mind with positive messages.

To create a state of trance in order to perform these mental sequences is quite easy. First find a quiet restful place where you will not be disturbed. Once there sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Keep your head looking straight ahead and lift your eyes to look at a spot on the wall just above eye level.

Count from 20 down to 10 in a slow manner until you feel your eyes start to strain. You will want to close them. Allow your eyelids to close and continue counting until you reach the number 1.
Then imagine that a long winding staircase with 20 steps is there in front of you. Move to the first step as you mentally say, "20. Going down, down, down. Deeper, deeper and ever deeper. Then take the next step and say, "19. Deeper and deeper still". Then move to the next step and say, "18. Going down, down, down. Deeper, deeper and ever deeper. Then the next saying, "17. Deeper and deeper still."
Continue this until you reach the last step and imagine that the staircase has led you to a door. Open the door. Open it and see what is there. This is your special sanctuary where you are relaxed and safe at all times.

Once you enter your sanctuary perform the mental exercise given above. When you are finished your exercises, count up from 1 to 10 telling yourself that you are becoming wide awake with every number. You will find that when you return to normal consciousness you are fully revitalized yet calm and relaxed. Perform your self hypnosis everyday for 30 days and you will have created permanent changes in your mind and body. Now that you understand the process involved with self hypnosis and now have the skills to bring yourself into a hypnotic trance, the changes you can make and results you can create are only limited by your imagination! Have fun.

Smokers Hypnosis

Researchers have now found good headway into studies showing what group hypnosis can do for smokers, especially those who want to quit and start a new lease in life.

This is especially significant in therapies that allow smokers to quit smoking and individual, as well as group hypnotism, has taken good strides into achieving positive and groundbreaking results.

Several studies and research revealed that hypnosis was responsible for 66% of subjects in most of these studies have quit smoking.

Among the most notable benefits of hypnosis is the positive change in attitudes of the subjects, as well as eliminating the smoking habit by enlightening and affecting associations and beliefs towards smoking.

Here are some of the recognized researches and findings on hypnosis in the treatment of smokers.

The University of Washington School of Medicine claimed that by integrating the group hypnotic method of therapy on smokers, they were able to establish a 90.6% success rate through hypnotherapy.

The study conducted on 43 subjects undergoing the therapy, was responsible for effecting abstinence with 39 of the patients in a period of 6 months to 3 years including post-treatment.

Another study conducted by the Smoke Free International Organization show a 95% success rate for patients who have undergone hypnosis incorporated with Neuro Lingual Programming (NLP) to quit smoking.

The same study also indicated that at least 51% were able to sustain abstinence from smoking on hypnosis therapy alone.

In another study program conducted in Bloomington, Indiana, where it combined hypnosis and aversion methods to stop smoking, there was an 87% reported success rate for abstinence with the use of hypnosis.

The field study consisted of 93 female and 93 male outpatients subjected to the hypnosis therapy program and after a 3-month post therapy follow-up, 87% of the women and 86 % of the men sustained abstinence from smoking.

At the System Health Science Center, College of Medicine of the Texas A&M University, a study on clinical hypnosis revealed that 81% of patients that went through hypnosis had stopped smoking.

The program, which focused on a preliminary therapy treatment employing three hypnosis therapy intervention sessions among 30 smokers, 21 of them were able to return after an initial hypnosis session to forego succeeding sessions.

At the end of the treatment process, a total of 81% of them stopped smoking and were able to abstain from smoking a year after treatment.

Based on the findings on an article from the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, a study was conducted with 71 regular smokers based on a two-year post treatment follow-up, those that have gone through hypnosis were twice as likely to have quit smoking than those subjects who only willed to quit on their own and did not undergo hypnosis.

Another study from the Ohio State University revealed in a hypnotherapy smoking cessation program that hypnosis was responsible for breaking the smoking habit effectively than through drug intervention.

One of the largest studies ever conducted on hypnosis treatment of smokers, was conducted by the University of Iowa, where it indicated that hypnosis was the most effective treatment in helping smokers break the habit of smoking.

The large scale study consisting of 600 consolidated researches of smokers from America and Europe with over 72,000 subjects, a statistical result concluded that on average, hypnosis was more than three times as effective as nicotine replacement treatments and 15 times more effective than by just willfully deciding on quitting.

If for some reason somebody gets hooked on smoking and would seriously like to kick the habit, try to look at what group hypnosis can do for smokers.

Self Hypnosis

Begin by sitting or lying comfortably. Keep your head straight, pointing forward, but look up at a spot on the wall - do not bend your neck. Your eyes should be looking slightly up. Breath in to the count of five and out to the count of five. This will cause your body to let go of tensions and stresses. Now curl your toes on both feet and tense them while you inhale to the count of five. Now relax on your exhale to the count of five. Move up to your legs. Tense them and relax. Keep breathing in to the count of five and out to the count of five. Now tense your whole pelvic and buttock region. And relax. All the time breathing deeply. Move up to your stomach, then your chest, neck, face and head, repeating the tensing and relaxing procedure while breathing deeply. Allow your eyes to close naturally at any time during this relaxation exercise. You will find that within a very short period of time it takes more and more effort to keep them open.

Once your eyes are shut and you have relaxed your entire body, imagine that you are at the top of a winding dark staircase with ten steps. Keep breathing deeply to the count of five. Move down to the first step, noticing that you can only see a few steps ahead of you as the rest are shrouded in a calm still darkness. Mentally say the word 10. Now move to the next step and mentally say 9. Then the next saying 8. Move progressively down the steps until you reach the bottom. During this exercise you can allow your breathing to return to normal or keep the deep breathing up if you prefer.

Once you have reached the bottom imagine there is a large wooden door in front of you walk towards it and open it. On the other side you find a moving escalator going down. Move onto it and feel it bringing you down, down, down. Deeper, deeper, down.

When you reach the bottom imagine you can walk slightly forward until you find yourself in a quiet relaxing setting. Just let it appear. It may be a garden, a beach, a forest or a favourite place from childhood. It could  be anywhere. Just allow your subconscious mind to show you where you are. Relax in whatever way seems appropriate to you in that special place.

At this stage you can mentally give yourself post hypnotic suggestions in the form of "I am….", or "I allow to enter my life with ease" etc. If you prefer not to have to remember mentally spoken instructions then recall your visualization and place yourself inside it! This is important see the scene through YOUR eyes as though it were a memory. Do not visualize yourself in the scene the way you would see another person. Experience it from your perspective. Do this for as long as it is enjoyable.

Once you have finished and are ready to return to normal waking consciousness, simply count back from 10 to 1 and mentally say "wide awake, wide awake". Stretch, give yourself a few seconds to re-adjust to your surroundings and then go about your daily activities.

You will find this short exercise in self hypnosis most beneficial, rejuvenating and life-altering!

To get more ideas and scripts on self hypnosis for improving your life on different areas like;

  • Weight Loss
  • Stop Smoking
  • Self Confidence 
  • Alcohol Control
  • Stress Relief 
  • Positive Thinking 
  • Tension Release
  •  Sleep Well 
  • Procrastination
  • Motivation  Temper Relief
  • New Career
  • Self Discipline 
  •  Creativity and many more

Self Development

Self Development

Hypnotherapy for personal development? -  I hear you ask. My answer, why not? There is no reason that hypnotherapy cannot help you become a better person. Most of us today are under constant pressure to perform better, to look cool, and to be successful. There are hundreds of forces working on us at all times to shape our own identity in our own eyes. Today, there are millions of people who suffer from low self confidence, low self esteem; there are thousands of youngsters who live with a negative self image for years, and worse still when they grow up those ideas that they have harbored all those years become so inimitable that it is almost impossible for them to overcome it.

Here's where hypnotherapy for personal development comes in. Recent research has found that hypnotherapy is a very effective means of personality development, and that it affects virtually every aspect of human lives. Through hypnotherapy you could cure yourself of anxiety and nervousness; you could work towards thwarting self doubt and become more confident. You can use hypnotherapy to lose weight and look better; you can use hypnotherapy to increase your creativity and improve upon your public speaking skills. Doesn't it seem like that hypnotherapy is actually too good to be true?

Its actually not. Once you realize the potential of hypnotherapy for personal development, you can work wonders with it. With the help of a qualified hypnotherapist, you can begin your journey to the centre of your subconscious mind. Most hypnotherapists provide individual consultations; some provide group consultations as well to address issues like weight loss or smoking. You could also purchase books and audio tapes on hypnotherapy or join a reputed hypnotherapy class to get into the groove.

You ask -What are the areas that hypnotherapy for personal development can help me? I answer; it depends upon what areas you want to improve upon. Hypnotherapy's arena is nearly limitless, because it deals with a magnificent mechanism in our body called the brain. If you can train your subconscious to think a certain way, there is no end to possibilities of what changes you can bring about. It can help you in increasing your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as physical health. It can help you get better scores in your pop-quizzes, or help you crack more deals with your clients. It can help you have a more enriching relationship with your spouse, or increase the level of your creativity.

Let me give you an example. Let's say that going through hypnotherapy for personal development is like going deep sea diving. I am sure most of you are fascinated by it, even though you might never have indulged in it. Like deep sea diving, hypnotherapy takes you to the deepest recesses of your mind to find your true self. In diving you jump in to witness the exotic marine life, explore the sea bed and if possible come back with a treasure. Similarly hypnotherapy takes you on a dive to discover yourself, see the way your mind functions, and come back with a brighter, newer you!

Power of hypnosis

There are hundreds of studies that have shown how the power of hypnosis can be used to create amazing changes in your life from alleviating pain to creating new behaviours. It has worked for millions of people in the past, continues to work for millions today and it will probably work for you also!

Are you hypnotizable? Is there a possibility that YOU could enter into the deepest states of hypnotic trance? If you are an average person you will most likely think that you can't be hypnotized. This is normal. The majority of people feel that if it were possible for them to be hypnotized then this, in some way, indicates that they lack any real will-power are naive or of below average intelligence. This could not be further from the truth.

The best hypnotic subjects are actually very intelligent, have a great deal of concentration and have a highly developed ability to focus. You should also be aware that the hypnotic state is different for each person who enters it. It is a state that can vary from individual to individual. Some people can enter extremely deep states of trance where their awareness completely changes and their memory of the event is hidden when they awaken, while others find themselves in a state that is equal to complete relaxation. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle. Wherever you find yourself on the hypnotic trance scale one thing is for certain everyone can be hypnotized to some degree.

In fact you go into trance states constantly throughout the day. Have you ever been "going through the motions", just performing a task without any conscious effort and been thinking of something completely different? If you travel on the bus or train have you found yourself day-dreaming or remembering past events and been so engrossed in your mental image that you lost track of time or your surroundings? Have you watched a great movie and totally identified with the characters or got so lost in the plot that it was all you were focused on? If you can answer yes any of the aforemention questions, and everyone can, then you have already experienced the state of trance.

Although just entering a hypnotic trance can be very therapeutic, as your body and mind relax and ease tension throughout your whole system, the real power comes from the suggestions and images that are used in this state. Such suggestions can easily, quickly and permanently alter your behaviour and your dominant thinking about any subject you choose. Through suggestion a hypnotist will, mostly, guide you into a mental rehearsal of the new behaviours. New feelings are also anchored to old memories or a visualized future event in order to retrain your mind and body to respond to certain situations differently.

So are YOU hypnotizable?

Well, research shows that the best hypnotic subjects are those people who can easily immerse themselves in any imagined event. This is, in and of itself, a skill that many people in the self improvement field strive very hard to acquire. Hypnotic subjects who can easily enter the deepest, conscious altering, states of trance are those than can easily become absorbed in a fantasy while blocking out their external surroundings.

This basically means the better your imaginative abilities the more profoundly you will experience the hypnotic state.

However, as I have already stated, everyone can be hypnotized and you are no exception! Under the correct conditions you most definitely can and will enter a state of trance. With the right stimuli you can then use this state as catalyst for change in your life. It is possible to remove unwanted behaviours, instil new ones and even program yourself with characteristics and personality traits that you desire.

You can use hypnosis for making changes in just about every area of your life utilizing it to heal your body, mind, and spirit. Hypnotists are now finding that its uses are almost endless! I remember watching a television program featuring the UK hypnotist Paul McKenna, called "I Can Change Your Life", where he hypnotized a man diagnosed with a form of hysterical blindness. The man's doctors believed a psychological trauma had caused the man's blindness and that his eyesight should be working perfectly. After a few sessions with Mr McKenna the man's sight began to return and he was able to function more productively than before. However, and this is the fascinating bit, before the program had finished shooting the man was sent to an eyesight specialist who discovered that he had been wrongly diagnosed and in fact there had been substantial damage done to his visual equipment! As far as medical science was concerned this man should not be able to see anything, yet through hypnosis his sight was dramatically improved. Why? Because both the hypnotist and the subject believed that it was possible!

Here's a small example of what hypnosis can be used for. This list could fill a book but I have included these to give you some indication of how you could use it to benefit your life.  What do you think hypnosis can do for YOU?

Aid In relaxation
Weight Loss
Smoking Cessation
Improve Sleep
Pain Management
Eliminate Fears & Phobias
Alleviate Depression
Reduce Anxiety & Stress
Awaken Your Creativity
Create More Success
Improve Your Self Confidence
Past Life Regression
Improve Your Memory
Improve Your Sports Performance
Better Study Habits
Release Issues From The Past
Healing Of Skin Conditions
Elimination Of Warts
Lucid Dreaming
Remove Addictions
Change Habits

It would appear that the only limitations of hypnosis are those you place on it! Try it you might just like it.

Over View of Hypnosis

Over view of hypnosis

Hypnosis is state of mind where an individual is subjected to controlled thoughts and behavior. Hypnosis involves two persons - the persons being treated to experiment is called subject while the one conducting the experiment is called hypnotist. Hypnotist takes the subject into the mental state, often termed hypnotized, and tries to get response from her. Hypnosis is possibly one of the most debated disciplines in the world. There are so many theories associated with this stream of studies. The basic debate hovers around the state aspect - one school of thoughts suggests that hypnosis is a state of mind while the other school asserts it to be a non-state.

Practitioners of state theory suggest that the mind can be transformed into an altered setting. In other words, mind of the subject can be taken to another plane, and controlled by the practitioner. Those from non-state theory claim that hypnosis as a phenomenon can be observed as a culmination of focus or attention, and doesn't necessarily lead to transformation of mind to another state. However, it is sufficient for us to know that hypnosis is a process of induction and observing effects of the same.
There are many myths and misconceptions associated with hypnosis. Some people opine that hypnosis cannot be affected on persons with strong will power. Champions of hypnosis feel otherwise - they claim that people with strong will power actually make up good subjects. This can be attributed to their higher level of intelligence.

Lot of research has been done on hypnosis. This research on a scientific basis stems from Psychological research. Hypnosis is often treated as a part of peripherals of psychology. Scientists have been trying to find the most ideal way of hypnotizing a person. Some have been successfully doing it with words, some others with the help of triggers like clock or a pendulum.
Hypnosis is finding its way in many applications to treat patients. Hypnotherapy is one such discipline. Some practitioners use this technique to solve psychological disorders of the patients. Clinical hypnosis is another application area of hypnosis.

According to practitioners of clinical hypnosis, physical as well as mental illnesses can be treated and cured with the help of clinical hypnosis. Mass hypnosis is used for prayers or magic shows. Hypnosis applied to forensic science is called forensic hypnosis. It is not only employed in the procedures, but also accepted in the legal perspective.


Sometimes it may seem that you just live to go from one worry to the next. Does this sound familiar?

If it is, then you are about to discover a way of getting your life back and creating the future of your dreams!

So what is negativity and how is Hypnosis going to help you?

Imagine that you are wearing a pair of blue tinted sunglasses, everything that you see has a blue tint. Now imagine wearing a pear of rubber gloves and everything that you touch will feel 'rubbery'. Now imagine burning incense and noticing everything smells nice.

Notice how the glasses, the gloves and the incense change all of your perceptions! For instance, without these, things seem 'how they should be' - completely natural, however with them everything seems unnatural.

Now that was a metaphor to explain a point, but what has it to do with Negativity?

Well like wearing gloves, when you have negativity, it allows everything to feel negative.

So where is your negativity and how do you get rid of it?

A part of the mind called the 'Sub-Conscious' is where negativity sets up camp... In a way it seems like a disease, affecting every thought and emotion, sometimes causing the sufferer to lose night after night of sleep worrying about thing that have maybe never bothered them before.

Hypnosis, EFT and NLP can all be used to effectively eliminate negativity, however we use all three as to make sure that it goes away and stays away!

If you are tired and always regretting not doing the things that you have always wanted to do because of negativity, please contact us to arrange your appointment, to see how Hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis can help you further.

You will be amazed just how quickly you will see the benefits!

Hystory of Hypnosis

Evidence of hypnotic-like phenomena appears in many ancient cultures. The writer of Genesis seems familiar with the anaesthetic power of hypnosis when he reports that God put Adam "into a deep sleep" to take his rib to form Eve. Other ancient records suggest hypnosis was used by the oracle at Delphi and in rites in ancient Egypt (Hughes and Rothovius, 1996). The modern history of hypnosis begins in the late 1700s, when a French physician, Anton Mesmer, revived an interest in hypnosis.

1734-1815 Franz Anton Mesmer was born in Vienna. Mesmer is considered the father of hypnosis. He is remembered for the term mesmerism which described a process of inducing trance through a series of passes he made with his hands and/or magnets over people. He worked with a person's animal magnetism (psychic and electromagnetic energies). The medical community eventually discredited him despite his considerable success treating a variety of ailments. His successes offended the medical establishment of the time, who arranged for an official French government investigating committee. This committee included Benjamin Franklin, then the American ambassador to France, and Joseph Guillotine, a French physician who introduced a never-fail device for physically separating the mind from the rest of the body.

1795-1860 James Braid, an English physician, originally opposed to mesmerism (as it had become known) who subsequently became interested. He said that cures were not due to animal magnetism however, they were due to suggestion. He developed the eye fixation technique (also known as Braidism) of inducing relaxation and called it hypnosis (after Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep) as he thought the phenomena was a form of sleep. Later, realising his error, he tried to change the name to monoeidism (meaning influence of a single idea)however, the original name stuck. 1825-1893 Jean Marie Charcot a French neurologist,disagreed with the Nancy School of Hypnotism and contended that hypnosis was simply a manifestation of hysteria. There was bitter rivalry between Charcot and the Nancy group (Liebault and Bernheim). He revived Mesmer's theory of Animal Magnetism and identified the three stages of trance; lethargy, catalepsy and somnambulism.

1845-1947 Pierre Janet was a French neurologist and psychologist who was initially opposed to the use of hypnosis until he discovered its relaxing effects and promotion of healing. Janet was one of the few people who continued to show an interest in hypnosis during the psychoanalytical rage.

1849-1936 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - Russian psychologist who actually was more focused on the study of the digestive process. He is known primarily for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex (or Stimulus Response Theory). In his classic experiment, he trained hungry dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was previously associated with the sight of food. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1904 for his work on digestive secretions. Though he had nothing to do with hypnosis, his Stimulus Response Theory is a cornerstone in linking and anchoring behaviours, particularly in NLP.

1857-1926 Emile Coue, a physician who formulated the Laws of Suggestion. He is also known for encouraging his patients to say to themselves 20-30 times a night before going to sleep; "Everyday in every way, I am getting better and better." He also discovered that delivering positive suggestions when prescribing medication proved to be a more effective cure than prescribing medications alone. He eventually abandoned the concept of hypnosis in favour of just using suggestion, feeling hypnosis and the hypnotic state impaired the efficiency of the suggestion.

Coue's Laws of Suggestion

The Law of Concentrated Attention

" Whenever attention is concentrated on an idea over and over again, it spontaneously tends to realise itself"

The Law of Reverse Action

"The harder one tries to do something, the less chance one has of success"

The Law of Dominant Effect

"A stronger emotion tends to replace a weaker one"

1856-1939 Sigmund Freud travelled to Nancy and studied with Liebault and Bernheim, and then did additional study with Charcot. Freud did not incorporate hypnosis in his therapeutic work however because he felt he could not hypnotise patients to a sufficient depth, felt that the cures were temporary, and that hynosis stripped patients of their defences. Freud was considered a poor hypnotist given his paternal manner. However, his clients often went into trance and he often, unknowingly, performed non-verbal inductions when he would place his hand on his patient's head to signify the Doctor dominant, patient submissive roles. Because of his early dismissal of hypnosis in favour of psychoanalysis, hypnosis was almost totally ignored.

1875-1961 Carl Jung, a student and colleague of Freud's, rejected Freud's psychoanalytical approach and developed his own interests. He developed the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes. Though he did not actively use hypnosis, he encouraged his patients to use active imagination to change old memories. He often used the concept of the inner guide, in the healing work. He believed that the inner mind could be accessed through tools like the I Ching and astrology. He was rejected by the conservative medical community as a mystic. However, many of his ideas and theories are actively embraced by healers to this day.

1932-1974 Milton Erickson, a psychologist and psychiatrist pioneered the art of indirect suggestion in hypnosis. He is considered to be the father of modern hypnosis. His methods bypassed the conscious mind through the use of both verbal and nonverbal pacing techniques including metaphor, confusion, and many others. He was a colourful character and has immensely influenced the practice of contemporary hypnotherapy, and its official acceptance by the AMA. His work, combined with the work of Satir and Perls, was the basis for Bandler and Grinder's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Hypnotherapist Confidence

Hypnotherapist confidence

Not many of us give ourselves the credit of being great speakers; neither do we find ourselves comfortable and confident when encountering new people and situations. How often have you found yourself rehearsing the lines which you are supposed to speak at tomorrow's meeting? Even though some of us might feel more confident than the rest, it would not be untrue to say that they too have their fair share of cold feet. Sudden bouts of nervousness and palpitations do not indicate that you are having a serious health condition; in most cases it just indicates a lack of self confidence. It would be safe to say that nearly 90% of all humanity suffers from low confidence; if only we could find a magic lamp to cure us of it. Well, I am here to tell you that such a magic lamp exists and it is called hypnotherapy for confidence; and it generally comes in the form of CD's , audio tapes, books and therapists like me!

So now that we have mentioned that hypnotherapy for confidence is actually a plausible option available to you first let's discuss how low confidence affects us in everyday life. See, a person's confidence is like torchlight in the dark…it radiates outwards from us and other people can see it. So even though low self confidence is an internal problem, the affects of it can be seen externally as well. How many of us remember sniggering at someone in school who faltered while reciting something? It is a natural reaction for most of us, but it can be damaging to the person at the receiving end. However, if you suffer from low self-confidence you need to realize that it has a lot to do with your self image; the way you perceive yourself is reflected in the way others perceive you.

Low self confidence can blindside you at any situation in life – exam nerves, fear of public speaking, of being interviewed, of meeting new people, stage fright, fear of being laughed at and so on. Some of us have more visible physical reactions to low confidence…sweating, stammering, shaking, blushing; these are all by products of low confidence. Hypnotherapy first helps you address the core problem of low confidence – your self image in your own eyes. Through positive suggestions about yourself, hypnosis helps you get rid of unwanted beliefs about yourself. It helps remove the clutter in your mind, and clears the path towards discovering a new you. Through the help of hypnotherapy for confidence, you can take care of most problems related to anxiety and low confidence.

When you suffer from a bout of nerves and are low on confidence, you need to channelize that negative energy somewhere else. Do you know that most great orators at one point in time have suffered from a serious case of nerves? Some of the biggest rockstars and actors still get cold feet two minutes before they appear on stage, so don't berate yourself too much if you feel nervous; its but natural. However what you need to tackle is the fear of the situation; and hypnotherapy for confidence can help you do that. By working on your inner confidence and making you aware of all the positives in you, hypnotherapy clears your mind, and this clarity is manifested externally through a sense of self confidence and assertiveness.

Remember, nerves can be dealt with, only if you want to deal with yourself first.

Hypnosis For Sleeping

Do you remember how you felt a day before you took your final exams? Sleepless, sweaty, anxious and troubled seem to be perfectly good words to describe your state then. And then there are those times when you think you have studied all you could, made your revisions meticulously…and yet, one look at the exam paper, and all is blank. This is an accurate representation of many students on the eve of a major test. So much depends on you performing well in your exams, but you just can't seem to control the anxiety. How great it would be if someone had a magic wand that could take these cares away. I am here to tell you that there is a magic wand like this, and it lies within your subconscious; all you need to do is summon this wand to your assistance with the help of hypnotherapy for exam nerves.

I have in my career encountered a number of students who needed help with their anxiety. These students came from various academic streams and levels; some were A Level students, while others GCSE, from those studying medicine to those studying philosophy. I have worked with them, and they have successfully implemented the techniques of hypnotherapy for exam nerves to keep them in good steed. So how does hypnotherapy for exam nerves really help? Exams are all about proving ourselves against others, its all about a flawless performance when it counts. If you are overwrought and anxious, you will never be able to achieve this perfection. The first step of hypnotherapy is to take care of these anxieties. Through soothing echoes and calming visualizations, you are given the opportunity to get over this anxiety. You will be able to relax your mind, even as the positive affirmations work their way towards your subconscious mind.

Through hypnotherapy for exam nerves, we can control the wavering of our minds, and become more focused even when faced with stressful situation. And anyone who has suffered from exam nerves will tell you that answering an exam paper can be as stressful a situation as there can be. Success in exams is as much a matter of academics, as it is about focus and your present state of mind. If you are calm, you can focus and concentrate better on the task at hand, and you will be able to recall answers with clarity. Hypnotherapy is also a great confidence booster, as it tunes your subconscious mind into believing that nothing is impossible; as a result you are sure of yourself and have a better self-image, as the self-doubt is done away with.

Hypnotherapy for exam nerves is also a long term solution. Once you have gone through a series of these sessions, you will able to recall these techniques to your aid as and when you need them. What a sense of liberation it can, this sense of control over anxiety. Hypnotherapy also helps in keeping your energy levels up, and your motivation levels high. So once you have these weapons in your armor, you are tougher; and once you are tougher, no exam paper will seem threatening enough!

Brain Washing

In 1902 a remarkable book was written by James Allen (1864-1912). The work was called "as a man thinketh" and it he shows the reader that the life you are living now is a direct result of the thoughts you had in the past. He expertly illustrates how the thoughts you are thinking now are determining the life that you are going to live tomorrow. I am sure many of you will be aware that the title of Allen's little book is a direct quote from the biblical passage Proverbs 11:17 which states "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". The literal 21st century interpretation would be "whatever thoughts you believe to be true and hold dear to yourself are creating your world, life and personality!" you can learn more about this from Napolean Hill (Think and Grow Rich)

What we continually dwell, the very thoughts we think all day long, eventually seep into the recesses of our deeper mind to form a subconscious pattern and this pattern then forms our beliefs, regulates our actions and creates our expectations. These are the thoughts that take root in your "heart" which is really the subconscious mind or the seat of your consciousness! These patterns then, in turn, begin to shape our other conscious thoughts and thus it begins the cycle. This can work in a positive or negative way. The cycle of negative or positive thought patterns, which we call behaviours, tend to condition our responses in life and also affect the physical & spiritual world in which we live.

"So how does all of this work?" You may ask.

Have you ever been woken by an alarming clock/radio playing a piece of music in the morning and had that same piece of music reverberate in your head for the remainder day? I bet you have. That's because we are at our most susceptible to outside influences when we are in a very relaxed state. This is usually first thing in the morning and last thing at night (or when you are half asleep watching the television!). Have you ever heard a pop song that you hated then after it had been played on the radio for a few weeks you found yourself singing along to it and actually beginning to like it? If I had a penny for every time I've heard someone say "I hated that when it first came out but it really grows on you"! Outside stimuli that is repeatedly and repetitively presented to any of your five senses will eventually seep into your subconscious mind - usually unnoticed.

In the above examples repetition was enough to ingrain the song into your mind. Where you listening to the lyrics? On many occasions the messages in the lyrics can influence your mood and behaviour and affect your outlook for the rest of the day. Music and radio have a great impact on our lives however, television has an even more powerful impact!

Many cults use music, sound and visual stimuli as devices or conduits for their messages. They literally  'brain wash' their scriptures, creeds and messages using hypnotic techniques. For instance meditation or relaxation techniques are taught and very soothing sounds or music is played over a soothing voice speaking in a relaxed manner. Sometimes up-tempo motivational music is played that is very often incorporated into a fast-paced sermon or speech. Both these states are hypnotic in nature. They are used to create a certain brain wave pattern that allows for the easy absorption of information. In the aforementioned cases they are designed to promote an ideal state for the mind to absorb and accept the teachings of the cult that are presenting them.
If you think this is a new phenomenon then think again! All throughout the earth's war-torn history armies have used similar techniques by employing the use of drummers and pipers on the battlefield in order to motivate their soldiers. Cults have been found to use many similar techniques to 'brain-wash' their followers!

You may wonder how a drummer or piper could motivate an entire army or how someone could allow themselves to be brain-washed by a fanatic but it has been shown by much research that anyone can be mesmerized into a cult! Why? Because they use hypnotic brain-washing techniques and these techniques work! Have you ever found yourself buying something you didn't really need, just to try it out, because you seen an advertisement about it on the television?

Perhaps you are asking yourself, "well, if someone else can brain-wash me into buying a product or service I don't really need or even brain-wash me into believing a cult leader is the new messiah, then is it possible to move myself into such a hypnotic state and brain-wash myself into believing anything I want?". If you aren't asking that question then maybe you should. You are being bombarded with hypnotic and subliminal suggestions every minute of the day so why not choose the suggestions you want instead of letting ones chosen by others in? You can brain-wash yourself into believing anything you want - that you are totally confident or that you really will own that house, drive that car, date a model or reach that goal.

Through the use of hypnosis or self hypnosis we ourselves can create a state of trance or deep relaxation and condition ourselves into believing anything we want. Hypnosis works by first creating a very relaxed state of body and then a relaxed yet alert state of mind when the brain displays alpha waves. It is while in the alpha state that we can directly access and communicate to the subconscious mind. At this point you have bypassed any internal obstacles. The subconscious mind, the "heart", will accept any suggestion you give it without reserve or judgement.

However, the key difference between hypnosis and the techniques used by most cults is that they engage their followers on their terms. With self hypnosis you are in control. Don't you think it's time you programmed your own mind for a change?

Be Your Own Master Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy, as a word has been associated with a lot of mumbo-jumbo over the years. Whenever we think of hypnosis, we think of evil characters manipulating the actions of innocent individuals for their own selfish motives. But in the recent years there has been a lot of researches on the subject of hypnosis and the findings have been startling. Did you know that on an average almost all of us are in a trance/hypnotic state everyday without being aware of it? Did you know that hypnotherapy is not something restricted to mankind, but that even animals practice some form of it? Did you know that the ancient Egyptians used hypnosis as early as 3rd Century BC?

In the last few years hypnotherapy has emerged as a major tool for personality development and psychological healing. Everyone, yes everyone can benefit with the use of hypnosis in altering some personality traits or areas of concern in our lives. Hypnotherapy is in some sense like art, the more you practice, the better you get at it. That is why the old adage "practice makes perfect" fits hypnosis so well. I have always believed and instilled in my clients that hypnosis is a natural state, it is something as normal as breathing. We all get into trance like states everyday…remember those summer afternoons when your boss was talking nonstop in a meeting, and you found yourself drifting into a world of your own? That's exactly what the state of hypnosis is like.

Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind, where we connect with our subconscious mind; it is similar to meditation but the difference lies in the fact that with hypnosis you do not disconnect with the present world, but are aware of it completely. A person who is being hypnotized is in control of the process all through, and no, you cannot be hypnotized against your will. Neither will you ever get stuck within a hypnotic state; all that might happen to you is that you might doze off in a particularly effective hypnotherapy session.

Just imagine what the future could be like if you realized that you had the power to change it. Does the idea seem like something out of a fantasy? There is every reason for you to feel that it is impossible to miraculously change things about yourself, and create a new you. You are not to be blamed; it is the way we have been conditioned in society. It makes us think that the power to change ourselves and our lives lies not with us but with some mysterious entity. But I am here to tell you that the power lies within you, all you need to do is search for it inside. Hypnotherapy is a tool which can help you reach that power, and help you unleash the true potential of your subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy can be used to help you work on your confidence, to increase your intuitive powers, for a positive self image, to cure you of smoking or drinking and to gain insight amongst other things. You can help realign and re-educate your subconscious mind through the use of hypnosis.

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